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Clean Up & Site Protection

Educational Blogs about Clean Up & Site Protection

Communities within Hawaiʻi are strongly connected to, and willing to protect, the land.  That is why we as Kānaka, multigenerational locals and allies focus on doing regular small scale and larger clean ups surrounding hiking and climbing areas. Historically after the overthrow most Kānaka lost access to the land and to sacred spaces.  Renewing, reviving and recognizing these sites while working to get the State of Hawaiʻi to properly protect them is pivotal to these spaces. 


Below are some of our favorite Hawaiian Values:

Mālama: To take care of, preserve, protect 

Kuleana: Responsibility, Privledge

Laulima: "Many hands" cooperating together and working together 

Lōkahi: Unity, Harmony, Agreement 

Aloha: Isn't just a Greeting or Love. Aloha is a two way street, Aloha is balance, Give before you get. 

Pono: Goodness, Correct, Excellence, oral, Proper, Righteous 

ʻO wai kou Makuahine? 

ʻO ka ʻāina nō!

ʻO wai kou Kupunawahine?

ʻo ka ʻāina nō! 

-Who is your mother? The Land

Who is your Grandmother? The Land 

-Joseph Nāwahī 

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